Track Categories

The track category is the heading under which your abstract will be reviewed and later published in the conference printed matters if accepted. During the submission process, you will be asked to select one track category for your abstract.

During the session, recent research advancements in the field will be discussed, focusing on how vaccine research and development are progressing to combat various contagious diseases. Scientists are actively exploring novel vaccine platforms, such as mRNA vaccines similar to those used for COVID-19, with the aim of expediting the creation of effective vaccines against both new and existing pathogens.

Additionally, technology is playing a crucial role in enhancing disease surveillance, contact tracing, and outbreak monitoring. The utilization of mobile apps, wearable devices, and artificial intelligence is proving to be highly beneficial in swiftly identifying and responding to contagious diseases in a more efficient manner.

  • Track 1-1  Respiratory viral diseases
  • Track 1-2  Gastrointestinal viral diseases Exanthematous
  • Track 1-3   viruses Hepatic viral diseases

Researchers are currently focusing on studying vector-borne diseases like malaria, dengue, and Zika, aiming to comprehend their transmission dynamics and devise effective prevention and control strategies. They are increasingly utilizing artificial intelligence and data analytics to analyze extensive health data, monitor disease outbreaks, model transmission patterns, and explore potential treatments.

CRISPR-based diagnostic tests are showing great promise in the timely and accurate detection of infectious agents. These advancements in research and technologies will be discussed to highlight their significance in the ongoing fight against Infectious diseases. The recent innovations in the field will be clearly discussed in the session

  • Track 2-1  Viral infections
  • Track 2-2  Bacterial infections
  • Track 2-3  Fungal infections
  • Track 2-4  Parasitic infections
  • Track 2-5  Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs/prion diseases)

The primary objective of the session is to keep participants informed about significant innovations and research developments that are shaping progress in the field. Currently, researchers are delving into the discovery of new virulence factors and mechanisms used by various pathogens to evade the host's immune response and cause disease.

Omics technologies, such as genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, are driving advancements that allow researchers to study the intricate interactions between pathogens and their hosts at a molecular level. Techniques like Machine Learning and Computational Approaches are aiding in predicting virulence factors, identifying potential drug targets, and understanding disease progression. These continuous efforts are deepening our understanding of contagious diseases and opening doors to more effective strategies for combating them.

  • Track 3-1  HIV is an example of a virulent virus
  • Track 3-2  Neurovirulent
  • Track 3-3  Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • Track 3-4  Bacillus anthracis

During the session, researchers will explore how high-throughput sequencing technologies have facilitated the study of genetic and functional diversity within microbial communities in different environments, using metagenomics and metatranscriptomics. The main emphasis will be on significant innovations and research efforts in the relevant field.

Scientists are currently working on creating unique microbial biosensors that leverage specific microbial responses to detect environmental pollutants and contaminants. Moreover, ongoing research aims to comprehend the mutualistic and pathogenic interactions that occur between microorganisms and various organisms, including plants and animals.

  • Track 4-1  Aeromicrobiology
  • Track 4-2  Bioremediation
  • Track 4-3  Aquatic microbiology
  • Track 4-4  water quality

The COVID-19 pandemic, resulting from the emergence of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, stands as the most notable case of an emerging infectious disease. Ongoing research is dedicated to identifying and monitoring potential zoonotic pathogens and their routes of transmission.

The main goal of the session is to stay updated on substantial innovations and research advancements driving progress in the field. Studies have concentrated on comprehending vector behaviour, disease transmission dynamics, and devising effective control measures. Enhanced surveillance systems and early detection techniques play a vital role in swiftly recognizing and responding to emerging disease threats.

  • Track 5-1  COVID-19
  • Track 5-2  Ebola virus disease and Marburg virus disease
  • Track 5-3  Nipah and henipaviral diseases.
  • Track 5-4  Rift Valley fever

Scientists are currently engaged in a vigorous quest to discover novel classes of antibiotics capable of combating drug-resistant bacteria. They are also exploring the potential of synergistic drug combinations to effectively address challenging infections. Bacteriophage therapy, or phage therapy, is being extensively researched as an alternative treatment for antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections.

Additionally, research efforts have intensified in the area of antiviral drugs, particularly in response to recent outbreaks like COVID-19. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are also under study as potential alternatives to traditional antibiotics. By the end of the session, participants will have gained comprehensive knowledge of the latest and most pertinent innovations and research developments in this field.

  • Track 6-1  Penicillins
  • Track 6-2  Cephalosporins
  • Track 6-3  Tetracyclines
  • Track 6-4  Aminoglycosides

Ongoing research focuses on emerging infectious diseases that impact animals, including avian influenza, African swine fever, and bovine tuberculosis. During the session, participants will have the chance to delve into and exchange insights regarding the significant breakthroughs and research conducted in Veterinary Microbiology.

The advancement of diagnostic technologies has enabled swift and precise identification of infectious agents in animals. The role of the gut microbiome in animal health and disease is a rapidly growing area of interest. Implementing strategies to enhance biosecurity and infection control measures on farms and in animal facilities is crucial in preventing disease outbreaks and containing the spread of infections.

  • Track 7-1  Anaerobes
  • Track 7-2  Flora
  • Track 7-3  Campylobacter
  • Track 7-4  Fungi

The primary efforts revolve around pinpointing distinct virulence factors in pathogens and comprehending their significance in infection and disease progression. Studies are exploring the influence of the host microbiome on pathogen colonization, infection outcomes, and the modulation of immune responses.

Participants will have the opportunity to be introduced to state-of-the-art innovations and research developments in this field. Research on immunomodulatory therapies aims to manipulate the host immune response to enhance infection outcomes and minimize pathological consequences. The integration of data from various sources using systems biology approaches aids in constructing comprehensive models of host-pathogen interactions and disease advancement.

  • Track 8-1  commensalism
  • Track 8-2  colonization
  • Track 8-3  persistence
  • Track 8-4   Infection & Disease

Researchers are currently delving into personalized approaches for modulating the gut microbiome through the use of prebiotics and probiotics. Studies are exploring the potential health advantages of postbiotics as alternatives to live probiotics. The main aim of the session is to keep participants informed about noteworthy innovations and research advancements that drive progress in the field.

Scientists are actively involved in engineering new probiotic strains with distinct functionalities, improved survival in the gut, and targeted interactions with the host. Moreover, research indicates that specific prebiotics can have a positive impact on metabolic health by influencing insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism.

  • Track 9-1  Galacto- Prebiotics
  • Track 9-2  Starch and Glucose-Prebiotics
  • Track 9-3  Lactobacillus plantarum- Probiotics
  • Track 9-4  Lactobacillus brevis- Probiotics
  • Track 9-5  Leuconostoc mesenteroides- Probiotics

Microbiome research has seen significant progress due to advancements in sequencing technologies and bioinformatics. One area of focus is microbial ecology, which aims to comprehend the relationships between microorganisms and their surroundings. Another key aspect under investigation is the regulatory mechanisms involved in intercellular communication among microbes.

The session provides a comprehensive overview of the most relevant and innovative research in the field. Researchers are also exploring the potential of microorganisms and their components in nanotechnology applications, including drug delivery, biosensing, and environmental monitoring. Additionally, studies on biofilms, which are microbial communities encapsulated in an extracellular matrix, play a critical role in understanding chronic infections and devising strategies to disrupt biofilm formation.

  • Track 10-1  Archaea
  • Track 10-2  Protozoa
  • Track 10-3  Slime molds
  • Track 10-4   Helminths

Researchers are actively exploring new microbial strains and refining fermentation processes to produce a diverse array of valuable products, including biofuels, enzymes, pharmaceuticals, and specialty chemicals. They are applying synthetic biology approaches to engineer microbial cells for specific industrial purposes, leading to the development of novel biological systems for biotechnology and biomanufacturing.

During the session, experts will share the latest research findings and transformative innovations in this field. Continuous bioprocessing innovations aim to enhance productivity and efficiency in industrial fermentation and biomanufacturing processes. Furthermore, researchers are investigating the utilization of microorganisms and their components in nanotechnology applications, such as biosynthesis of nanoparticles and nanofabrication.

  • Track 11-1  Metabolic production
  • Track 11-2  Biotransformation
  • Track 11-3  production of biofuels
  • Track 11-4  Production of microbial biomass
  • Track 11-5  Treatment of organic and industrial wastes

AMR remains a crucial concern in the field of medical microbiology. Researchers are dedicated to comprehending the underlying mechanisms of resistance, developing novel antimicrobial agents, and promoting responsible antimicrobial stewardship. To assess disease severity, prognosis, and treatment response in infectious diseases, researchers are focusing on identifying biomarkers and utilizing predictive models.

Immunotherapy, including monoclonal antibodies and convalescent plasma therapy, is being explored as a potential treatment for specific infectious diseases. Additionally, researchers are investigating the potential of microbiota transplantation, akin to fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), as a therapy for various conditions related to dysbiosis and gastrointestinal health. Throughout the session, the importance of staying updated on the most recent innovations and research advances will be emphasized.

  • Track 12-1  bacteriology
  • Track 12-2  Mycology
  • Track 12-3  Parasitology

Researchers are actively exploring alternative antimicrobial therapies, which encompass various approaches such as phage therapy (utilizing bacteriophages to target bacterial infections), antimicrobial peptides, and combination therapies. Non-antibiotic strategies, such as enhancing host immune responses and employing probiotics or competitive exclusion therapies, are also under investigation to combat infections.

The session serves as a platform for exchanging ideas and sharing ongoing innovations and research efforts in this field. Studies are dedicated to understanding the impact of environmental factors, such as antimicrobial residues in water systems, on the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and devising potential mitigation strategies. Additionally, researchers are delving into combination antimicrobial therapies to overcome resistance mechanisms and enhance treatment outcomes.

  • Track 13-1   Limiting uptake of a drug
  • Track 13-2  Modifying a drug target
  • Track 13-3  Inactivating a drug
  • Track 13-4  Active drug efflux

Significant progress and innovative developments have taken place in the fields of biosynthetic and synthetic biology. Researchers are actively exploring the engineering of microorganisms to produce valuable compounds through biosynthetic pathways, such as pharmaceuticals, biofuels, and specialty chemicals. Synthetic biology techniques are being employed to design and construct novel biological systems with customized functions, finding applications in biomanufacturing, agriculture, and medicine.

The session serves as a platform for sharing and exchanging ideas concerning the ongoing research and innovation efforts in this domain. The adoption of CRISPR-Cas9 and other gene-editing tools has revolutionized the field, allowing precise modifications of microbial genomes to enhance productivity and introduce novel functionalities. These cutting-edge approaches hold immense potential for providing sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions to various societal and environmental challenges.

  • Track 14-1  unnatural molecular biology
  • Track 14-2  Bioengineering and protocell synthetic biology

Researchers are currently unraveling the intricate connections between the human microbiome and various health conditions, including autoimmune diseases, mental health issues, and metabolic disorders. The session will feature experts presenting the latest research findings and transformative innovations that are shaping the field.

Advanced techniques like single-cell genomics and transcriptomics are empowering researchers to study the functional diversity of individual microbial cells within complex communities, revealing insights into microbial heterogeneity and interactions.

In the quest to combat antimicrobial resistance, efforts have led to the discovery of new antibiotics from previously untapped sources, such as unculturable microorganisms, soil metagenomes, and marine environments. Additionally, studies are exploring how microorganisms survive and adapt in space environments, offering valuable insights for space exploration and potential colonization.

  • Track 15-1  Immunology
  • Track 15-2  Nematology
  • Track 15-3  Microbial cytology
  • Track 15-4  Cellular microbiology
  • Track 15-5  Generation microbiology
  • Track 15-6  Evolutionary microbiology

Researchers are currently investigating the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the host's inflammatory responses to diverse microbial pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. The gut microbiota's role has been implicated in shaping the host's immune system and influencing inflammatory responses.

The session offers participants the opportunity to delve into and discuss relevant breakthroughs and research conducted in this area. Studies are also focusing on understanding how dysbiosis can impact inflammation and disease outcomes.

Epigenetic modifications are emerging as crucial regulators of immune responses to microbial pathogens, presenting new possibilities for therapeutic interventions. Additionally, researchers are exploring the potential of microbiota-derived therapies, such as fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) and probiotics, to modulate inflammatory responses in various diseases.

  • Track 16-1  Interleukin 1: anti-inflammatory
  • Track 16-2  Interleukin 1β- pro-inflammatory

Bacteriology research remains committed to combating the global challenge of antimicrobial resistance. Scientists are diligently investigating resistance mechanisms, monitoring the spread of resistant strains, and devising novel antibiotics and alternative treatment strategies. During the session, participants will have the opportunity to explore the latest cutting-edge innovations and research advancements in this field.

Advancements in the study of bacterial biofilms are providing valuable insights into their formation, resistance to antimicrobials, and role in chronic infections. Bacteriophages, which are viruses that target bacteria, are being thoroughly investigated as potential alternatives to conventional antibiotics for treating bacterial infections. Concurrently, efforts to develop novel bacterial vaccines and enhance existing ones continue, with a strong focus on reducing the burden of bacterial diseases.

  • Track 17-1  Listeria monocytogenes
  • Track 17-2  Listeria monocytogenes,
  • Track 17-3  Pesudomonas maltophilia
  • Track 17-4  Thiobacillus novellus
  • Track 17-5  Staphylococcus aureus

Researchers are actively investigating drug resistance in parasitic organisms such as Plasmodium, Trypanosoma, and helminths to develop strategies for managing and preventing resistance. The development of vaccines against parasitic diseases, including malaria, schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis, and Chagas disease, is an ongoing effort.

The session provides an excellent platform for sharing and exchanging ideas concerning the continuous innovation and research efforts in this field. Studies are persistently uncovering the intricate interactions between parasites and their hosts, offering valuable insights into the pathogenesis of parasitic diseases. The focus is also on understanding the life cycles, transmission, and survival strategies of parasitic organisms. Additionally, researchers are studying the host immune response to parasitic infections to devise effective interventions and control strategies.

  • Track 18-1  Protozoa
  • Track 18-2  Helminths
  • Track 18-3  Arthropods
  • Track 18-4  Ectoparasites

Researchers are actively engaged in identifying and characterizing virulence factors produced by pathogens, including toxins, adhesins, and secretion systems, to comprehend their roles in causing disease. By integrating systems biology approaches and mathematical modeling, they can predict pathogen-host interactions and disease outcomes. The session offers a comprehensive overview of the most relevant innovations and research in this field.

Genomic studies are shedding light on the evolution and emergence of bacterial and viral pathogens, providing valuable insights into their pathogenicity and potential for pandemic spread. Investigations into the role of microbial dysbiosis in chronic diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, are advancing our understanding of host-microbe interactions in disease pathogenesis. Concurrently, research into host genetic factors that influence susceptibility to infections is providing insights into individual variation in disease severity and progression.

  • Track 19-1  Bacterial Infectivity
  • Track 19-2  Host Resistance
  • Track 19-3  Genetic and Molecular Basis for Virulence
  • Track 19-4  Host-mediated Pathogenesi
  • Track 19-5  Intracellular Growth

The application of synthetic virology is leading to the development of oncolytic viruses that can specifically target and destroy cancer cells, presenting a promising approach for cancer treatment. This field also allows the creation of non-infectious virus-like particles (VLPs) that mimic viral structures, serving as safe and effective vaccine candidates and drug delivery platforms. The session will provide attendees with valuable insights into emerging trends and potential future directions of innovation and research in this area.

Through synthetic biology techniques, researchers are constructing viruses from scratch, assembling viral genomes, and generating entirely new viral entities. Studies in synthetic virology are shedding light on viral evolution and adaptation to new hosts, environments, and selective pressures. However, this field also raises significant ethical and regulatory questions concerning biosecurity, dual-use research, and responsible use of engineered viruses.

  • Track 20-1  Human endogenous retrovirus
  • Track 20-2  HIVcpz
  • Track 20-3  SARS-like coronavirus
  • Track 20-4  poliovirus